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How Do I Know If My Dentures Are the Right Size?

December 24, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:36 pm
dentures in a glass of water

If you have recently gotten dentures to replace several missing teeth, you may be dealing with some discomfort right now. Dentures come with an adjustment period that may make you wonder if yours are the right size. For most people, the answer is yes — and they should feel normal after a few weeks. Other times, though, the dentures may be too big and your dentist or prosthodontist will have to help with an adjustment. Keep reading to learn how you can tell if you are experiencing a problem with denture size in Jacksonville.


What Does Prosthodontist Training Include?

December 15, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:13 pm
man smiling in the dental chair

A prosthodontist is a type of dental specialist that you may need to see when you are dealing with damaged or missing teeth. This type of dentist has gone through significant extra training to provide the very best, most expert service for you and your loved ones. Keep reading to learn about what prosthodontist training in Jacksonville includes — and when you may need to see this type of specialist.
