For decades now, sedation dentistry has proven to be a safe and effective tool to help patients feel more comfortable in the dental examination chair. While this service is most well-known for helping patients struggling with dental anxiety or dental phobia, dental sedation could be for you even if you’re not scared of the dentist. Options like oral conscious sedation offer a variety of benefits other than just calming nerves! Read on to discover five ways sedation dentistry in Jacksonville could make your next appointment smoother and more comfortable than ever, even if you’re not afraid of the dentist.
1.) You Have An Overactive Gag Reflex
Dental work can be especially uncomfortable and stressful for patients with a very sensitive gag reflex. Not only can sedation dentistry ease this anxiety, but it will help quell the sensations around your gag reflex to keep from irritating it.
2.) Numbing Medications Aren’t Very Effective for You
Some people are naturally more resistant to numbing dental medications that are used to keep you comfortable during dental work. In these cases, dental sedation can help! Sedation reduces the body’s ability to perceive pain, so you can enjoy the comfortable dental care you deserve.
3.) You Have Neck, Back, or Shoulder Problems
If you have experienced a recent injury or suffer from a chronic condition that causes discomfort in your neck, back, or shoulders, sitting in the examination chair for an extended period of time can feel quite uncomfortable. With sedation dentistry, you won’t feel any of the sensations that would typically cause you discomfort, so you can rest easy while your smile is taken care of.
4.) You Have TMJ Disorder
According to national studies, as many as 10 million American suffer from TMJ disorders. Those experiencing the symptoms of TMD often find that holding their mouth open for extended periods of time to get the dental care they need is a challenge. Dental sedation can block feelings of discomfort while your dentist works, allowing you to comfortably get the treatments you need.
5.) You’ll Be Undergoing a Long or Complicated Treatment
It can be difficult for anyone to sit still for a long period of time, especially if a complex procedure is being performed. During these situations, your dentist will likely recommend sedation dentistry. Not only will this help make the experience more comfortable for you, but it will help you stay still, which in turn will help your dentist work faster.
Dental sedation isn’t reserved just for those with dental anxiety. Talk to your dentist to discover how sedation dentistry could help you!
About the Practice
At Jacksonville Dental Specialists, we strive to provide gentle, comfortable, and highly personalized dentistry for the smiles of Jacksonville. While we go above and beyond to offer that via our friendly staff and calming office atmosphere, we understand that’s not always enough for some patients. That’s why our team of specialists offer sedation dentistry options like oral conscious sedation and IV sedation. To discover how dental sedation could benefit you, feel free to reach out to us online or at (904) 323-0928.